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Origin of Chinese tea culture
Tea custom in some areas
Famous tea of China
Tea , good for health and Tea
Origin of Chinese tea culture
Tea custom in some areas
Famous tea of China
Tea , good for health and beauty
Origin of Chinese tea culture
2737-2697 BC Tea was first discovered in China.
according to the legend of Shen Nong(神农)
Coming to bud
Jin Dynasty Tea became popular among men of letters(文人).
Taking shape
Tang Dynasty 780 AD Lu Yu (陆羽)wrote “Cha Jing”(茶经).
Song Dynasty Tea was popuplar among men of letters, the upper class , the temple and ordinary people.
Famous Tea of China
Longjing Tea
Biluochun Tea
Baihaoyinzhen Tea
Huangshan Maofeng
Tea custom in some areas
Beijing Big bowl Tea
Chengdu Gaiwan Tea
Guangzhou Morning Tea
Chinese Art of Tea
Tea , good for health and beauty
Green Tea
Whiten your skin
Prevent cancer
Lemon Tea
Help lose weight
Whiten your skin
Black Tea
Relieve summer-heat
Make your bones stronger
Good for your heart
Good for your stomach
Prevent cancer
Flower Tea
Good for Girls
Rose Tea
Good for your skin
Good for your throat
Relieve your stress
Lavender Tea
Whiten your skin
Help heal the scar
Relieve your stress
Wild chrysanthemum flower Tea
Relieve summer-heat
Treat cold
Brighten your eyes
Treat headache
Jasmine flower Tea
Good for your stomach
Relieve summer-heat
Honey Lemon Tea
Healthy , Tasty , Easy
Enjoy Tea!
Enjoy your Life!


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