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文档介绍:Why we choose to travel to Italy?Italy is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leads the way with each season's fashions. But it is also a country which is full of great culture. Italy's foods is famous around the Milano米兰大教堂Architectural style The architectural style of the church is very unique, the upper part of a Gothic steeple, the lower half is a typical Baroque (Baroque) style, full of decorative sculpture from the top down, doing all plicated and delicate, is representative of the Renaissancebuildings. 教堂的建筑风格十分独特,上半部分是哥特式的尖塔,下半部分是典型的巴洛克式(Baroque)风格,从上而下满饰雕塑,极尽繁复精美,是文艺复兴时期具有代表性的建筑物。雕刻和尖塔是哥特式建筑的特点之一,米兰大教堂可以说是把这个特点淋漓尽致的表现出来了。外部的扶壁、塔、墙面都是垂直向上的垂直划分,全部局部和细节顶部为尖顶,整个外形充满着向天空的升腾感,这些都是哥特式建筑的典型外部特征。教堂内外墙等处均点缀着圣人、圣女雕像,共有6000多座,仅教堂外就有3159尊之多。教堂顶耸立着135个尖塔,每个尖塔上都有精致的人物雕刻。Carvings and minarets is one of the characteristics of Gothic architecture, the external buttresses, towers, walls are vertically divided vertically upward, all local and details at the top for the spire, the whole shape leapt to the sky is filled with a sense that these aretypicalexternal characteristics of Gothic architecture. The external walls of the church, etc. are dotted with saints, saint statues, a total of more than 6,000, as much as only outside the church, there are 3159. The top of the church stands 135 minarets, each has a fine figure in the steeple carving. The leaning tower of PisaLeaning Tower of Pisa from the foundation to the top of the tower and meters high, 55 meters high from the ground to the top of the tower, the width of the bell tower wall on the ground is m in the top m wide, with a total weight of about 14,453 tons, the center of gravity above the meters. Circular foundation area of ? ?285 square meters on the ground, the average pressure of 497 kPa. The current inclination of about 10%, .


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