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词汇学Unit 4.doc

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词汇学Unit 4.doc


文档介绍:Unit 4 Significance of Words 一、 Significance of words I. Definition of Significance S ignificance of words is the nominat ing things, behaviors and qualities. —— Plato AW ord is the symbol ofa singular definition, always pointing to its definition. —— Wilhelm von Humoldt II. What is Semantic meaning? Ina broad sense, semantic meaning represents human ’s thinking and thoughts. W ithout semantic meaning, people couldn ’t achieve the munication and understanding. Ina narrow sense, semantic meaning refers to the language meaning of the words and sentences, also called the word ’s meaning and the sentence ’s meaning. 一般来说, 研究意义特别是研究语言意义的学科被称为语义学( semantics or semasiology )。 I. 以下各句中 country 表示不同的意思, 从 B 栏中选出 country 在A 栏各句中的准确意义: A 1. What do you mean bya farming country ? 2. The candidate has won the sixty percent of the country. 3. There isa great gap between rich and poor countries. 4. The children are looking forward to having a ic in the country next week. 5. The young scientist left his country and went on with his medical research abroad. B nation ora state with its land or population. he nation or state of one ’s birth or citizenship he people ofa nation or state and with a social nature or character he countryside II. 根据词义的拟声理据,将下列 B 栏中模拟动物叫声的词语与 A 栏中对应的动物名称词相配: AA pes -, bears -, beetles -, birds -, bulls -, cats -, cattle -, crickets -, doves -, donkeys -, ducks -, flies -, foxes -, geese -, hens -, larks -, mice -, monkeys -, owls -, pigs -,, ravens -, sheep -, snakes -, swans -, turkeys -, wolves -.BS ing, buzz, bray, gibber, neigh, quack, coo, cry, chatter, bellow, growl, hoot, bleat, low, hiss, grunt, drone, purr, yelp, squeak, gabble, howl, gobble, cluck, chirp, warble, croak C hauvinism A pes - gibber, bears - growl, beetles - drone, birds -S ing, bulls - bellow, cats - purr, cattle - low, crickets - chirp, doves - coo, donkeys - bray, ducks - quack, flies - buzz, foxes - yelp, geese - gabble, hens - cluck, larks - warble, mice - sque