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文档介绍:城乡一体化转型期的苏南小城镇规划实践考察中文摘要 I 城乡一体化转型期的苏南小城镇规划实践考察中文摘要在中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会中,胡***同志强调,坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路;推动工业化和城镇化良性互动、城镇化和农业现代化相互协调;促进工业化、信息化、城镇化同步发展。由此,新型城镇化成为人们热议的话题。 20 世纪 80 年代费孝通提出“小城镇、大问题”之后,苏南小城镇成为各学科研究的重点, 也被认为是中国城镇化的典型代表。进入 21 世纪,苏南小城镇的发展进入了新的历史阶段。苏南地区城镇体系已经形成,城乡经济一体化、交通一体化、生活一体化正在形成。本文首先整理了国外城乡空间组织的相关理论,然后阐释了城乡一体化的内涵, 并介绍了苏南地区城乡一体化的研究现状。在文章的第二部分,笔者首先回顾了苏南地区城乡一体化发展经历的三个阶段, 然后指出目前苏南小城镇已经进入了城乡一体化转型期,这一阶段苏南小城镇面临着国家宏观政策的调整、国外城市发展理论的引入、土地市场化等多种机遇和挑战。在文章的第三章,笔者从规划背景、规划原则、规划目标和规划布局结构四个角度分析了苏南小城镇规划实践的一些特征。在论文的第四章,笔者按照开发主体将小城镇开发分为政府主导、企业主导以及政府主导企业运作的混合开发模式,也按照开发动力对小城镇的开发模式进行了分类,并研究了几种开发模式在苏南小城镇中的应用。文章的最后简要指出了近年小城镇规划发展的典型问题,如土地制度的漏洞、规划与经济发展不同步等,也相应的提出了一些对策。论文突破了传统的城市规划立足点和思维****惯, 从开发模式和土地制度等不同的视角对苏南小城镇的规划与发展做出了理性思考, 是对城乡一体化领先的苏南地区的小城镇规划和开发的最新考察和分析,总结其经验和不足,由此对我国其它地区城镇规划与建设提供理论和实践的借鉴。关键词:城乡一体化;苏南小城镇;规划设计;开发模式;土地制度作者:孔亚男指导教师:刘晓平 Abstract The research on small towns planning in southern Jiangsu in the transition period of Urban-rural integration II The research on small towns planning in southern Jiangsu in the transition period of Urban-rural integration Abstract The eighteen report stresses that we should adhere to new urbanization with Chinese characteristics. We should promote positive interaction between in dustrialization and urbanization, coordination between Urbanizatio n and agricultural modernization .Also,the report stresses that it is important to promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, information technology and urbanization. Thus, the new urbanization e a hot topic. After Xiaotong Fei propos e the idea of ‘small town, big problem’ in the 1980s, small towns in southern Jiangsu have been considered to be a typical case and e the focus of the study subjects. In the 21st century, the development of small towns in southern Jiangsu has entered a new historical stage. Urban system has been formed in southern region. Urban and rural economic integration, tr ansport integration, integration of life are being formed. The paper pl