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上传人:学习好资料 2022/2/10 文件大小:566 KB





文档介绍:104 2021 年 10 月 第 7 卷 第 10 期
* 临床研究 years
old) total hip replacement patients. According to different anesthesia methods, they were randomly divided into a control group (tra鄄
cheal intubation general anesthesia) and an observation group (ultrasound-guided lumbosacral plexus block combined with inhalation
anesthesia). The changes in hemodynamics (mean arterial pressure and heart rate) and related indicators of postoperative recovery
(waking up, extubation, getting out of bed, time to discharge) were compared between the two groups of patients at different time
points. Results The mean arterial pressure and heart rate at the end of surgery in the observation group were significantly better than
those in the control group [(±) mmHg vs (±) mmHg; (±) times /min vs (±) times/min)],and the
difference was statistically significant (t=, , P<). The mean arterial pressure and heart rate at 30 min after surgery
were significantly better than those in the control group [(±) mmHg vs (±) mmHg; (±) times/min vs
(±) times /min],and the difference was statistically significant (t=, , P<). Postoperative awakening, extuba鄄
tion, ambulation and discharge time


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