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branch this year groom in detail plan: Be aimed at telephone exchange, we undertake skill grooms receiving audition phone language; The baggage that is in in the light of baggage is carried and check service undertakes grooming; The ceremony courtesy of dest clerk and skill of carry out room groom; Especially all to antechamber ministry employee will undertake the foreign language of a month grooms is as long as July this year, judge check to lay next certain foundations for the star this year, just can let employee have on skill of Wu of professional knowledge kimono through grooming only rise further, gift is nicer provide excellent service for the guest. 2, engraft to employee “ broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure, add close cut down expense 〞 consciousness, broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure of “ of control good cost, add close cut down expense 〞 is every enterprise not arrowy pursuit, antechamber department employee answers the call of the hotel actively, begin managing, cut down expense activity, control good cost. For managing charge, antechamber him ministry buys plastic basket to hold the key of the group, reduced the use amount of key bag and room card, to the hotel managing charge (no matter be a group,still come loose so guest, every room must fill in to the room gets stuck and use key bag, after using room card and key bag through group house, saved cost greatly, the room blocks yuan / piece, key bag yuan / , everyday group house 100 above, a year but the fee with managing bigger brushstroke) ; Business affairs center is used expire forms for reporting statistics will print draft paper; Supervise and urge the employee of accommodation is managing with water and electricity; Control good office articles for use, had used each each pieces of paper, pen. Pass these control, achieve for the hotel close


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