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摘 要
现如今,全球经济发展已经进入了网络经济时代 the understanding of three little squirrels can in many food brand chiefs deus e*; three is through case studies on the three squirrels pany marketing, points out three squirrels pany marketing problems, and put forward the corresponding development strategy and promote the sustainable development of the three squirrels; fourth, through the research not only points out that the success of the three squirrels, but also provides reference for other enterprises in the marketing.
In this paper, through the analysis of three squirrels marketing environment, now the marketing situation, marketing problems e*isting in the marketing process and suggestions to solve the problem of a few unit three squirrels were analyzed. Which for the three squirrels positioning in pure online sales, emotional marketing, e*perience marketing, market positioning, production management, petition and so on were detailed analysis and to the problem of finding provides solutions, for the further development of the three squirrels pany to provide reference and for other enterprises reference.
Keywords:Electronic merce; three squirrels; marketing strategy; marketing
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目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 V
第1章 绪论 7
论文研究背景 7
论文相关理论基础 8
情感营销 8
体验营销 8
PEST分析模型 9
研究的目的与意义 10
研究的目的 10
研究的意义 11
第2章 三只松鼠营销环境分析 12
电商企业市场环境分析 12
三只松鼠宏观环境分析 12
人口环境 12
经济环境 14
自然环境 15
社会文化环境 15
三只松鼠微观环境分析 16
供应商 16
营销中介 16
顾客 16
公众 16
行业内的竞争者 16
第3章 三只松鼠的营销现状分析 17
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三只松鼠企业简介 17
三只松鼠公司简介 17
企业发展使命 17
三只松鼠公司营销策略分析 18
情感营销策略 18
体验营销策略 21
三只松鼠公司营销存在的问题分析 23
纯互联网销售,线下市场份额被抢 23
代工模式管理漏洞,爆发食品安全问题 24


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