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the following phrases(翻译词组)(10%)
1. figer out ard B. abroad C. at sea D. at home
15. The food in the canteen is .
A. delighted B. detailed C. decided D. delicious
16. Chinese martial arts are great interest many foreigner
A. in ... to B. of ... to C. in ... in D. of ... in
17. The morning flight is to us as we will arrive in time to attend the afternoon meeting.
A, direct B. quick C. suitable D. inclusive
18. Are there still tickets on the morning flight to Shenzhen?
A. free B. suitable C. available D. ready
19. Technicians with good skills are always .
A. on the demand B. on demand C. in the demand D. in demand
20. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion.
A. sent B. remended C. advised D. reported
21. Mr. Liu works with a travel agency as a .
A. tourist guide B. tour guide C. travel guide D. trip guide
22. One cannot judge a person only by his conditions.
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A. economical B economics C. economic D. economy
23. Department stores offer a big of items.
A. kind B. variety C. type D. model
24. They sold the old furniture to make for the new.
A. a room B. a space C. room D, space
25. The garments in the department store are so expensive that I can't them.
A. buy B. purchase C. afford D. take
26. They good friends and often visited each other.
A. are used to being B. are used to be C. used to being D. used to be
27. We soon arrived the airport.
A. in B. at C. on D. to
28. After he the unforgettable failure of love, he became afraid of it.
A. felt B. forgot C. met D. experienced
29. There is a of two hours with the 7:40 train.
A. delay B. chang


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