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文档介绍:雅思口语精英攻略上海环球雅思俞伟国Blog: Http://blog./yuweiguoSurvival Criteria (Band6)1. Long Response 2. Pause/Hesitation 3. Errors (G/V)Plus (Band7 or above)雅思口语官方评分标准解析CHN Average Score in 2009: . plex Sentences2. LV=mon Vocabulary3. Variety (S/V)How to ensure Long Response?1. Subject CategorizationTell me about your , my hometown is Shanghai. And in general, I think today’s Shanghai is totally different from what it was hundreds of years the past, Shanghai used to be a small fishing village on the east coast of , however, as one of the biggest cities in China, Shanghai has e the financial hub in the country and boasts for its convenient transportation and . StructureG-S-D(1). General answer to the question(2). Specific Subject 1(3). Development(4). Specific Subject 2(5). DevelopmentDevelopment: (1). R (2). E (3). S (4). CHow to e P/H?1. Redundant Language (Optional)Short Version:WellActuallyYou knowLong Version:(1). Well, this is quite an interesting/difficult/sophisticated question……How can I put it?Maybe I can put it this way……(2). Well, actually, when es to the topic of ……a lot of names would e to my mind,However, if I do have to make a choice/choose a most typical one, I think I would go for……2. Content Selection(1). Feature(2). “Dechineselization”Case StudyWhat kinds of leisure activities are popular in China?(R) (Well, that’s quite an interesting question. Uh…how can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way.)(G) In general, I think different people in China have their respective own ways to kill time.(S1) For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity has to be playing online games.(E) Take the famous game WOW as an example, as far as I know, the number of its users has exceeded more than 20 million in China only! (S2) Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah-jong.(R) You know, in China, Mah-jong is often regarded not only as


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