关键词: 马克思;异化理论;现实问题;扬弃路径
Analysis on Marx's alienation theory and its realistic significance
Marx gave the theory of alienation several different meanings at different periods. In the early it was to labor alienation, and in the mature period it was the concept of fetishism. It was developing, deepening and running through Marx's philosophy system. It was very important in Marx's theoretical system. Alienation can be seen everywhere in our daily life, it is a kind of social phenomenon, and it has widespread plex characteristics. It results from the influence of the immobilization division, private ownership economy and the values of the market main body. Based on the Marx and other’s theory of alienation and reality reflection, this paper try to analyze the alienation in the economy, political, culture, education, ecological environment and daily life. I am going to try to explore the way of develop the useful and discard the useless in the present situation. It is of great value and significance to build up the harmonious society and the harmonious development between person and society, person and natural.
Key words: Marx; Theory of alienation; Realistic problems; The way of sublation.
前言 1
一、异化理论的历史发展与理论内涵 4
(一)马克思前的异化理论 4
(二)马克思的异化理论 6
(三)西方马克思主义的异化理论 9
二、异化现象的现实存在 12
(一)科技异化 12
(二)权力异化 13
(三)经济异化 15
(四)教育异化 20
(五)社会关系异化 22
三、异化产生的成因分析 24
(一)社会分工和私有制经济的存在 24
(二)科技的发展与应用 26
(三)市场经济的运行原则 27
(四)人们的价值观的转变 28
四、扬弃异化的探索与尝试 30
(一)生产力的极高发展是消除异化的首要前提 30
(二)走科学发展之路是消除异化的最佳选择 31
(三)深化体制改革是消除异化的有力保障 33
(四)适宜、健康的生活方式是消除异化的有益尝试 34
结语 37
致谢 38
参考文献 3