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甲 方: ty B during the service period, or that are related toParty A ’ s businesses or that have been completed mainly with the information provided by Party A, and/or other commercial secrets.
Forms: including but not limited to information that is paper based, orally made, modeled or stored in any other hardware, such as CDs, computers, portable hard drives, etc.
. 乙方充足认知并赞同甲方就上述奥密、信息材料及服务成就拥有以下好坏关系的全体或一部分:
Party B has fully understood and agreed that the above mentioned secrets, information and materials as well as service achievements are bearing all or part of the following significance: 。
Party B has the responsibility and obligation to keep the concerned information secret to any third party.

The concerned information is of intellectual property values or of commercial interests.
三 . 以下情况乙方不负保密职责:
Party B shall not be held confidential responsibility for: ;
Documents or materials that had previously been made public ;
That Party A has agreed to disclose; or
That has to be disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations or the court decisions.
四 . 乙方保密职责
IV. Party B ’s Confi


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