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上传人:好用的文档 2022/2/15 文件大小:1.94 MB





文档介绍:报 道 临 证 经 验
2021 年第 34 卷第 7 期
fever. Methods: All 100 patients suffering dengue fever were allocated to two groups according to random number
table method, 50 cases in each group, the experiment group accepted Chaishi Jiedu granules combined with
conventional therapy; and the control group conventional therapy. Results: Compared with the control group, the
experiment group showed the advantages in the recovery time of the symptoms and body signs including fever,
headache, pantalgia, diarrhea, rash and others after treating (P<); the experiment group was better than the
control group in WBC count and platelet count increase after treating, and the difference had statistical meaning
(P<); the difference had no statistical meaning in alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and
lactate dehydrogenase between both groups after treating (P>). The experiment group was lower than the
control group in the incidence of adverse reaction, and the difference had statistical meaning (P=).
Conclusion: Chaishi Jiedu granules own better clini


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