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高考英语模拟试卷 试题.doc

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高考英语模拟试卷 试题.doc



第一节〔共5小题;,总 besides George Washington according to the speaker?
A.Benjamin Franklin. B.John F . Kennedy. C.Abraham Lincoln
13.What was Timmy most interested in?
A.Playing the piano. B.Playing the violin. C.Classical music.
14.What’s Timmy’s main purpose at the moment?
A.Make some new friends. B.Go to some concert. C.Learn from others.
15.What were they both weak in?
A.Sports. B.Music. C.Theory of music.
16.Whom would they turn to?
A.Timmy’s uncle. B.Lily’s uncle. C.Their teacher.
17.How old was the narrator when he became a stewardess(空姐)?
A.Twenty. B.Twenty-six C.Not told.
18.How many daughters were there at least in her family?
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.
19.When did she get married?
A.Twenty. B.Twenty-six. C.Twenty-five.
20.What do people think of the job as a stewardess?
A.It’s an honourable .It’s a dull job. C.It’s not a splendid job.
21.—What’s the matter?
—My car has got a flat tyre. I wonder if you could lend me a hand.
— .
A.It’s my pleasure B.Here you are C.No problem D.Take it easy
22.—Alice, you look puzzled. Have you understood it?
—Yes, I another problem just now.
A.have thought B.thought C.had thought of D.was thinking of
23.Please tell me you want your coffee, black or white?
A.what B.when C.whether D.how
24.—Would you please show me Room 2-501 ? —Sure. .
A.Follow me, please B.No problem
C.This way, please D.Go ahead
25.—Did get through the driving test? —No, did. A few failed.
A.everybody; not all B.everybody; none
C.anybody; not all D.anybody; no one
26.—Do you have tro


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