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文档介绍:摘要I列车行车安全监控无线数据传输系统的研究摘要当今世界高速铁路迅速发展,随着列车运行速度的提高,行车安全监控系统在保障铁路安全运输生产中发挥着至关重要的作用,其中,如何将大量的运行列车的实时状态数据及时传送到地面监控中心进行处理,实现车地间的无线数据传输,达到列车安全运行的目的,是实现行车安全监控系统的难题和关键技术之一,国际上在该领域的研究方兴未艾。研究适应铁路发展,综合现代通信技术的行车安全监控无线数据传输系统是当前铁路通信发展的核心问题。本课题在深入地调研并查阅了大量工程实例资料的基础上,结合现代通信的新技术,对列车行车安全监控无线数据传输系统作了较详细的研究和探讨。论文首先针对列车实时数据监测和地面监控中心的通信问题,进行了无线数据通信方案的比较和论证,在遵从技术先进、经济合理的原则下,选用基于GSM蜂窝移动通信系统短消息业务的无线传输方案。其次,在对GSM短消息业务((SMS: Short Message Server)进行理论分析的基础上,提出了整个列车运行状态实时监控系统构架,包括车载台、数据通信网络和地面监控中心等。然后,硬件上采用TC35i GSM模块+RS232串口的数据传输方式,软件上采用C#语言编程实现短消息收发的方式,作者设计出一个基于短消息的无线数据传输系统,实现了车载数据的传输、监控中心数据接收、控制与计算机接口通信等相关技术。论文对系统的软件实现作了全面的描述,重点介绍了短消息的编码解码,软件设计方案以及数据库方案,特别对系统软件实现中的三大关键技术:串口通信、数据库设计,短信的收发进行了较深入的研究。最后,就短信路由、时延等问题进行探讨,对论文进行总结,给出下一步研究的方向。关键词:安全监控,无线数据传输,GSM,短信息AbstractIIRESEARCH ON THE TRAIN SAFETY MONITORING WIRELESS DATATRANSMISSION SYSTEMABSTRACTThe present high-speed railway develops rapidly, with the improvement of the driving speed, the train safety monitoring system plays a paramount role in ensuring the safetransportation and production of the railway. Among them, how to deliver the massive real-time data that reflex the status of the driving train to the monitoring center on the groundfor processing, to realize wireless data transmissionbetween the train and the ground, thereby achieve the purpose of safe running, is a difficult problem and one of the key technologies of the system, international research in the field has just been unfolding. Research on the train safety monitoring wireless datatransmission system that adapts to the development of railway and synthesizes munications technologies is the core problem of the munication. By investigating and consulting the massive project example bined with munications technology,the author has done the detailed research and the discussion to the train safety monitoring wirelessdatatransmission at municationbetween real-time data monitored for train and themonitoring center on the ground, the thesis pares with and demonstrates