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文档介绍:第 2 页
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I take great pleasure in recommending Miss Kathleen Lu for the acceptance inalyzed market share of each PR agencies and proposed Ogilvy’s HealthCare market expansion strategy. It is really surprise to see such a strategic statement from a student who had no related educational background. I think she is the very candidate we are looking for.
第 3 页
  Kathleen is extremely smart and highly efficient in daily work. Her main responsibility is media monitoring—collecting information from every possible channel, filtering out the elite part as the material for news clipping. To offer a professional and accurate consulting for the clients, she always self-learnt related knowledge when she got involved a new project. At very beginning of her internship, she finish an English xxxxxx (tell the nature of the report) report for clients in only one week, which received positive feedback from clients. She at the same time
  participated in several projects. The heavy workload never frustrated her, and instead motivated her to find out efficient way to solve problems.
  What impressed me most is that she is highly motivated to go extra miles to support her daily routine. To help the clients better response to the media in the press conference, she initiatively prepared the briefing book of suggested answers to the possible questions from journal