Have you ever felt alone? Have you felt like giving up? Maybe you just lose motivatable. All right that’s a cool ring. I gonna give me a toe ring. You know what I mean? One day I am gonna give me a swiss watch too. Anyway, just put the whole hand on here. Beautiful, now, what we gonna do, we gonna play a game called slapers. Ok? Now I don’t know if you know this game. Basically, I am gonna slap you,Ok?and if you..when I go like this, you should move away this before I get you, so it’s a race between your hand and the chicken drumstick. All right?So what gonna happen if you got 5 shocks?Ok? If I miss one out of the 5, you win. So that make sense? You only beat me once to win. Are you ready? You said you are having a good day today yet?This’s gonna change. I am joking. Are you ready? Are you scared? You are not scared. Are you ready? . so when I go like this, you go like? Exactly. Ok you should be quicker.(他的‘小鸡腿’居然那么快!) it’sNo1..No2... I make it easier for you. I even look away and I’ll close my eyes. Ok, now is his hand still there? I have done this a couple of times. You can’t cheat on it. All right. Now I close my eyes. Your hand there? Is his hand there? Are you ready? (啊, 又输了) All right. . I will let you win, ok? (居然表演慢动作,囧) Give me a hug, I love you. Give him applause guys. Thank you very much Jack. (全场的气氛又一次的被调动了)
I have got a phone up here. It is not my cell phone. It’s a normal phone. I just ripped it out from the wall. I am gonna show you how I can actually flick this phone onto my shoulder. It’s very cool. It’s actually not always guaranteed that it gonna happen the first time. So what happens when you fail?
Students: Try again.
Very good! Very good! So can someone give me a sound for ringing phone please.
Students: ding-ling-ling~~.
Thank you, thank you. I am coming. (哈哈,表演得很投入) ready?(呵呵,又是对着台下的一阵‘傻笑’)。Hey, is that cool?