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上传人:可爱小熙 2022/2/21 文件大小:13 KB





文档介绍:松花江是中国东北地区的一条河流 , 是黑龙江的最大支流。下面是带来的哈尔滨松花江词,希望对大家有帮助。
松花江是黑龙江的最大支流。本身也有两条主要支流,其一为源于白头山天池的第二松花江meters long and covers a drainage area of 545,600 square kilometers.
The source of the river is a crater lake called Heavenly Lake with an elevation of 2,189 meters at the top of the Changbai Mountain, which
borders North Korea in China ’s Jilin the Heavenly Lake and forms a waterfall,

as if

The water falls down from the water rushes down from
haven. Hence the local Manchu inhabitant called it

“Heavenly Lake

meaning, “Songga-liwula ” in pronunciation. Now we transliterate into Chinese Songhua River.
It is 4 meters in depth and 1 kilometer in width on average in Harbin sector. Songhua River has more than 900 branches in large and small size. The river is frozen over from November to April the nest year. the period
of freezing weather is 135 days.
As the largest branch of the Heilong River, Songhua River winding through Harbin for 117 kilometers and served as an important artery for
the development of the city. In the 17th century, under the reign of Emperor
Kangxi, naval ships were stationed along these areas, and resisted the invading Russian enemy successfully. After that, in 1689, Sino-Russian
Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed. That is the first border agreement between t


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