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新概念英语 1(课文 1~4) 1

Lesson 1 新概念英 练 【中考·试题】
05 听对话,回答问题。
1. Where are the two people________?
a shop. a library. a bus station.
2. What’s the man’s idea________?
doesn’t like radios at all.
will be more and more radios in the world.
won’t need radios any more in the future.
3. How many students are good at football?
60. 50. 30.
4. Who might these speakers be?
and father. friends. and child.
5. How does the woman feel?
wants him to stay longer. knows he must go soon.
wants him to go now.

训 练 【新闻·广播】
06 对照下列文本,仔细听录音,并模仿跟读。
Experts say rotational grazing is good for the land and the animals, and it can save money. This form
of grazing can reduce the need for pesticide treatments by reducing the growth of weeds. And it can limit
the need for chemical fertilizers by letting animal waste do the job of natural fertilizer. Rotational grazing can
even help prevent wildfires by keeping grasslands in good condition.

✎ expert / / ,能手 ,内行的,熟练的

✎ pesticide / 


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