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文档介绍:Classified Index: .: 316 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Law AN ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIORAL DECISION ON VIOLENT CRIME Candidate: Qiu Zhiyong Supervisor:Prof. Bai ShuyingAcademic Degree Applied for:Master of Law Specialty: SociologyAffiliation:School of Humanity and Social Science Date of Defense:June, 2009 Degree-Offering-Institution:Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学法学硕士学位论文 I摘要暴力犯罪以其犯罪行为的突发性,犯罪手段的残忍性和犯罪后果的严重伤害性对社会秩序和民众的安全构成重大威胁。因此,分析暴力犯罪行为发生的背景,揭示暴力犯罪行为决策的过程和机制,为更好地预防暴力犯罪行为的发生具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。本文运用访谈法对哈尔滨市某监狱中因暴力犯罪入狱的现服刑人员进行了实证研究。研究显示,暴力犯罪者的行为大多具有冲动、好斗、意气用事等非理性特征,这与其成长的家庭环境和所处的地域亚文化的影响密不可分。进一步分析显示,暴力犯罪者有欠缺的家庭环境使得其受教育程度普遍偏低下,导致其缺乏发展潜力和专业技能。这意味着其通过合法途径获得成功的可能性降低,这也为犯罪行为的发生提供了潜在的动因。调查显示,表现在时间和空间上的情境因素对犯罪行为的发生具有催发作用。在这种情境下,暴力犯罪者对案发事件往往进行极端化的认知,并对拟采取的暴力行为进行合理化的建构,在对成本与收益的评估后进行犯罪行为决策。暴力犯罪者行为决策的发生过程表明,表面上看似属于一时冲动的暴力犯罪行为,其发生与犯罪者成长的社会家庭文化背景以及犯罪者对事件的理解密切相关。这从另一个侧面为暴力犯罪的预防提供了理论依据,通过“亲家庭运动”、重塑社会亚文化、大力发展帮扶体系等措施,为青少年的成长提供良好的发展环境,预防不良****气,培养理性精神,从而预防犯罪行为的发生。关键词 暴力犯罪;行为决策;非理性哈尔滨工业大学法学硕士学位论文 IIAbstract It is a major threat for social order and public safety from acts of sudden, cruel meanings and the serious injury of the victims. So the sociological research for the causes of violent crime and the mechanisms in it, which has a great significance for the prevention of the crime, both in theory and practice, To provide an effective proposal, the perpetrators of violence from a prison in Harbin, which are selected as research staffs for a interview technique in my field study. A clear-cut case as a starting point to analysis on the perpetrators of violence and non-rational behavior of the characteristics performance: impulsive, irritability and swayed by personal feelings. This is mainly due to the growth of violent offenders’ family structures and the impacts of sub-culture in geographical. It can be seen from the research that the environment of the perpetrators’ family leaded to the lower education level, and because they lacks of the potential development and pr