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上传人:淘气小宇 2022/2/23 文件大小:12 KB





快点行动吧,还大自然一个真真实实的面目 !你知道怎么写一篇
雾霾的危害的英语作文吗 ?下面小编给大家整理的雾霾的危害英
compared with the same period last year, the number increased
by three percent.
According to the relevant departments of the analysis, the haze weather is mainly due to the recent adverse weather conditions, the pollutants are not easy to spread and the amount
of coal in winter caused by poor air quality. Long-term destruction of ecology is also the main cause of bad weather. So,
we must protect the environment, do not continue to pollute. Our earth has now become full of holes, and we do not destroy it!
The haze days to the people's lives has brought great inconvenience and harm. In order to prevent the haze brought
the harm, we should pay attention to these points: 1, go out with a mask 2, drink light drink plenty of water 3, fog haze less window 4, the amount of vitamin D. So that we can fight with the ruthless haze!
雾霾的危害英语作文篇 2
But also a cold rain is a whole day, not a small one so the
next day. Confused cold and humid, but also people do not
succeed. Since the next to why not come so much faster? But also
stingy that little rain doing? Under the whole day can not solve
the thirst of the earth, but also can not drop the haze in the air.
Just bring the biting cold, early winter wet l