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高一英语上册Unit5 PPT课件.ppt

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高一英语上册Unit5 PPT课件.ppt


文档介绍:Unit 5Nelson Mandela- A Modern Heroblow upTry to find the words and expressions with the same meaning in the textbook. (P35-36)have some difficult problemsin factbrave manlose one’s job feel hopelessgroup of anized for a special purposeleaguelose heartas a matter of factout of workheroin troubletell somebody what to do go on money paid for going to schoolbe ready tosome timebe taken to prisonput in prisonperiodwillingfeesadvisecontinuequiet and calmgo against the lawagree to take a yellow metal for making a ringwhat people do in a waralways doing new things fightmetal acceptbreak the lawpeacefulactiveLead inIf we are going to talk about some great person, who will you think of first? Why?In my opinion, …. is a great person, because he / she is strong-minded…Do you think one day you or one of your group will be a great man or woman? Why? In my opinion, …. is a great person, because he / she is unselfish…What qualities do you think a great person should have?What adj. can you use to describe a person? (kind, warm-hearted etc.)He is the best basketball player in our country. He enters the NBA in America. Yao MingYang LiweiHe is an astronaut(宇航员)in China. He is the first astronaut piloting a spacecraft (航天器), traveling in the space on board Shenzhou-5 in 2003.