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whatthey say toyou. Don't cut them off, even whenyou disagree with what they
aresaying, hard as that can be. Hear them out. Their sel[-respect begins with the
respectand consideration they receive fromyou and others.
Teach thern to set proper boundaries.
Teachyourchildren that there is "goodtouch" and "bad touch." Helpyour
childrenlearn that they have the right to choosewho touches their bodies. They
cantell other children and adults that they do notwant to betouched and they
shouldexpect that others would respect their wishes. Encourage them to talkwith
you if theyfeel that someone has touched them inappropriate[y or made them feel
girls, especial!y, understand that their facial expression and
bodylanguage need to matchthewords "no," "don't," or "stopthat." lf onegiggles
or laughs,one sends a messaEethat they are not reallyserious. You can not saya
real"NO" with a smileor a giggle.
Don't expect too rnuch or too little.
Manyyoungstersleel insulted because they think their parents treat them
Iikekids. Others get discouraged because they leel their parents expect more than
theycan do. lt is importantto letthem know thatyou have confidence in
cansupport them without pushing. You can protect thenr without keeping them lronr
Avoid too rnuch criticisrn.
Preteensand teens are extremely sensitive to theyhear too maryr
negativesthey may just stop listening. ihey oftendo wantto hearparents'opinions,
whenexpressed tactfully and with love. And whenyour children fail at somethingor
makea mistake,let thenr know that it is notthe end of theworld.
ToTALK toyour children in a waythat will reallyhelp,you have to also
LISTENto theirwords, and to thefeelings behind their words. You must try to see
ihingsthrough their eyes. lf theyfeel thatyou understand thenr, they are nrore likely
to talkopenlyw