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20年丹麦Peter Svensson 教授关于英文论文写作和发.ppt

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20年丹麦Peter Svensson 教授关于英文论文写作和发.ppt

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20年丹麦Peter Svensson 教授关于英文论文写作和发.ppt



2006年4月5日,著名国际口腔医学专业杂志 J Oral Rehabil的主编Peter Svensson 教授,应王美青教授的邀请前来我院进展国际合作研究,并应邀作了题为 How to write and publish
Follows a specific plan or procedure
Divides the problem into more manageable sub-problems
Guided by specific problems, questions or hypothesis
Accepts critical assumptions
Requires collection and interpretation of data
Is cyclical or helical
1. Identify the question or problem
Many unanswered questions and unresolved problems
Look around - observe - wonder
Be curious
Ask questions
What is the cause of that?
What does it mean?
1. Identify the question or problem
Nobel prize winner in medicine - Eric Kandel
Observed changed function of memory in psychiatric patients
Asked why is the brain working differently?
How is memory stored in the brain cells? (synaptic transmission - signal transduction)
Review the literature
You need to have background knowledge to approach your own research problem
Maybe it is only a problem to you !
Review the literature
Purpose of the review 1
Reveal investigations similar to your own
Show how other researchers have handled methodological and design issues
Describe methods to deal with problem situations that you are facing
Reveal sources of data that you may not have known existed
Introduce you to key persons whose work you may not have known
Review the literature
Purpose of the review 2
Help to see your own study in historical perspective
Give you new ideas and approaches
Help to evaluate your own research efforts by comparison to similar efforts of others
Indicate the time and effort previously put into your research topic
Practical advice to search
Use . Pubmed and search the literature - haste slowly - and read
Identify 2-3 central, high-quality review papers - and read
Read papers most closely related to your research topic and then gradually expand
:// ./entrez/
Pick others brains !
Senior faculty mem


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