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上传人:小雄 2022/2/27 文件大小:85 KB





The girl with a red hat is beautiful.
Donny has long hair with one big ring i ask my father to take us there in his car.
M: OK. Til tell Tom and Betty.
Dialogue 2
W: Can I help you, sir?
M: Yes, please. Td like to buy a digital camera.
W: We have many kinds of digital cameras here. What do you think of this one?
M: It looks nice. Where is it made?
W: It's made in Japan.
M: Sorry. I don't like cameras from Japan. Do you have any cameras made in China?
W: Yes. What about this one? It's made in Shenzhen.
M: How much is it?
W: It's 2,800 yuan.
M: I'm afraid that's too expensive. Can it be cheaper?
W: Yes. How about 2,600 yuan?
M: OK. Til take it.
IV、 短文理解
Hi, boys and girls! What kind of gifts do you want to have on your birthday? Do you like to have a box with nothing in it? Here is a story about it.
There were two people in the family, a girl and her father. They were poor. It was her father ,s 45th birthday. The girl wanted to give her father a present, but she had no money. So she cut some color paper to make a box, and then she brought it to her father. Father was very angry and talked loudly to the girl, "Don't you know that? When you give someone a present, you should put something in it." The little girl looked at her father. "Oh, daddy, it's not empty at all. I blow kisses into the box. They're all for you," she s


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