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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/2/28 文件大小:31 KB





  In the afternoon, my mother took me to the mall to buy a Christmas tree. What a lot of people there! Mom bought me a lot of presents, a toy Santa with Jinglebell, magic wand in legend... My mother didnt buy me a Christmas tree, but I was satisfied.
  When I got home, I opened the gift bag and put the Santa on the ground. I saw him running and singing Jinglebell, Jinglebell... We were all amused. My father reminded me, treasure the gift! I said, ok, sure!
  Today, what a merry Christmas!
  Today is Christmas, the multimedia classroom holds an event, each class chooses ten people to attend. I wasnt chosen, I was a little sad. But the afternoons events sent my unhappiness away.
  In the afternoon, the teacher had the blackboard, on the blackboard hang a colored ribbons, and then to me and KuangXiang, Tang Yi section and Jiang Huimin two to sit at the same table to draw pictures on the blackboard. The teacher asked us to write the four words merry Christmas first and then to draw them. We voted unanimously Tang Yi section to write, Tang Yi festival with four different colors chalk write merry Christmas four characters, the blackboard suddenly bec


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