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2022简爱读书笔记 151.docx

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2022简爱读书笔记 151.docx




;Jane eyre" is a perfect and great books, I know what what is good and evil and ugliness is because he is learned how to be a person, and the protagonist of the book Jane eyre is my role model, he's smart, kind, strong, independent, is the most admirable
  Jane eyre's life be sensitized; He experienced many twists and turns, can saying is unfortunate, but he is from a different fate lower the head, feel fear any difficulties in front of him.
  Jane eyre from childhood has been adopted by his aunt, suffered his abuse, and he is my uncle's son John reed is a big, fat and peremptorily, pig dog is better than a beast, he often beat and scold for no reason, Jane eyre, but his aunt not to stop, not only to support his savage son instead, however, Jane eyre is a stubborn, never bow to evil forces, she could no longer endure, his hate for John overcame his fear of him, desperate to play with him, of course, can imagine as a result, aunt Jane received his punishment.

  But Helen burns, his views and Jane eyre are very different, Helen claim can endure to endure all things, but his tolerance, toleran