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developer onboarding in github the role of prior social links 2.pdf

上传人:rabbitco 2016/10/21 文件大小:440 KB


developer onboarding in github the role of prior social links 2.pdf



文档介绍:Developer Onboarding in GitHub: The Role of Prior SocialLinks and Language ExperienceCasey Casalnuovo, Bogdan Vasilescu, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir puter Science Department, UC Davis, Davis, CA 95616, asal, vasilescu, ptdevanbu, v?lkov}***@ team aspects of software engineering have been a subjectof great interest since early work by Fred Brooks and others:how well do people work together in teams? why do peoplejoin teams? what happens if teams are distributed? Re-cently, the emergence of projectecosystemssuch asGitHubhave created an entirely new, higher level numerous teams; they share montechnical platform (for work activities) and mon socialplatform (via following, commenting,etc). We explore theGitHubevidence for socialization as a precursor to joininga project, and how the technical factors of past experienceand social factors of past connections to team members ofa project a?ect productivity both initially and in the longrun. We ?nd that migration inGitHubis strongly a?ectedby pre-existing relationships; furthermore, we ?nd that thepresence of past social bined with prior ex-perience in languages dominant in the project leads to higherproductivity both initially and cumulatively. Interestingly,we also ?nd that stronger social connections are associatedwith slightly less productivity initially, but slightly moreproductivity in the long and Subject [Software Engineering]: Programming TeamsGeneral TermsHuman FactorsKeywordsGitHub, social aspects, onboarding, productivity1. INTRODUCTIONWhile codingper seis a solitary activity, software develop-ment is very much a team sport: anize into teams,spontaneously in open source, and by ?at mercialsoftware development. In open source puter-mediated) and collaboration activities (over ver-sion control) of software teams can be mined and research [3, 5, 7] has explored a great many aspectsof how people join, work, municate within