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初一英语手抄报内容 英语手抄报关于圣诞节的初一.docx

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初一英语手抄报内容 英语手抄报关于圣诞节的初一.docx



第 2 页 共 Santa Claus really exist in the world? On Christmas Eve, I lay on my bed and thought about it. Dad said, Santa Claus gift only to diligence, obedient child, I always believe that I am a obedient child, but diligence is not necessarily, so, I for Christmas gift, throwing caution to the wind!

  It was ten o clock, and it was still two hours before Santa, and I went to bed. On the bed, because I want to see Santa Claus too devotion, the sleepy all gone, always exciting waiting, time is too slow, I think for a long time, in fact, after 15 minutes, I have been in this wait and wait and wait and wait, I suddenly remembered in Tom and jerry, the mouse is so wait and wait, tomorrow see, wow, there are a big gift in waiting for him, I think I like the little mouse, in very bitter, and so on, gradually, the time like a child again, speeding up, I sleep also strong, two eyes came to blows, slowly fell asleep.
  This night, at seven o clock, when I was sleeping, I didnt know that the present was already in my bed. At eight o clock, I got up, got down and tried to grab my clothes, and I saw no clothes on my hands, but I


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