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圣诞节英语手抄报小笑话 圣诞节英语手抄报.docx

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圣诞节英语手抄报小笑话 圣诞节英语手抄报.docx

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圣诞节英语手抄报小笑话 圣诞节英语手抄报.docx




第 2 页 共 th apple, panting, ran the direction of the home, mother and baby stars the moon see me the appearance of the mess, all smile of fallen into the clouds.

  Back home, I take flowers bag, gift box, paper, tools, such as decoration...
  Dad came back, I took two boxes of apples. One is a apple with bowknot gentleman, is a girl holding a holding flowers of the apple. After mom and dad to see, all say good!
  This a red apples, sweet and fragrant with our laughter, has been eaten by us
  Christmas is a happy day. Come to think about it, I will be a bright flower in full bloom in the heart happy and excited.
  On Christmas day, the day very cold. But the cold weather also can not hold up against the footsteps of merry Christmas. The streets are placed in front of the shop in the beautiful Christmas tree, in the supermarket employees also have a lovely Christmas cap. Look at these, our these little heart. Therefore, the idea of a special Christmas party.
  Through planning, in the afternoon, we draw on the blackboard on the beard Santa Claus, spray on the Windows on the white s