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Farnsworth, Ward - Predator at the Chessboard - Books I & II.pdf

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Farnsworth, Ward - Predator at the Chessboard - Books I & II.pdf

上传人:yzmchess 2016/10/23 文件大小:7.89 MB


Farnsworth, Ward - Predator at the Chessboard - Books I & II.pdf



文档介绍:4. The Pin and the . Arranging a Pin . Introduction . Simple Absolute Pins . Creating a Toothless Target . Upgrading the Value of the Target . Exchanges of the Target for Other Purposes . Clearing Excess Enemy Pieces . Consolidating Excess Enemy Pieces . Getting the Pinning Piece to the Pinning Square . Loosening the Pinning Square . Protecting the Pinning Piece . Pushing the Enemy King into Line . Making Use of Forced Interpositions . Making Use of Forced Captures . Using Threats and Captures without Check . Exploiting a Pin . Using Pawns to Attack the Pinned Piece . Ganging Up on the Pinned Piece . Using Checks to Separate the King from the Target . The Cross-Pin . Other Ways to Constrain the Pinned Queen . Other Uses of Pins . Pinning a Piece to Take Its Protectorate . Pinning a Pawn to Take Its Protectorate . Pinning a Pawn in Front of the King as an Aid to Mate . Pins of Pieces to Allow Mate . Pins to Mating Squares . Breaking an Absolute Pin . Strategy and the Absolute Pin . The Relative Pin . Simple Relative Pins . loosening the Screened Piece 2 . Other Issues That Arise in Creating Relative Pins . Ganging Up on the Relatively Pinned Piece . Taking the Protectorate or the Relatively Pinned Piece . Taking the Protectorate: More Involved Cases . Breaking a Relative Pin: Moving the Screened Piece . Breaking a Relative Pin: Moving the Pinned Piece . The Skewer . Simple Skewers Through the King . Simple Skewers Through the Queen . Simple Skewers Through Rooks . Substituting the King to Create a Skewer . Other Substitutions: Queens. Rooks. etc. . Checking the King into Position . Working with Multiple Checks to Build a Skewer . Getting the Skewering Piece to the Sk