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小学五年级英语手抄报 小学英语手抄报圣诞节元旦.docx

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小学五年级英语手抄报 小学英语手抄报圣诞节元旦.docx

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小学五年级英语手抄报 小学英语手抄报圣诞节元旦.docx




第 2 页 共 row and the spoon end table tennis. Three rows of classmates and we played almost, and guess the words, but they are, people use language to describe, but cant say words. We are pleased to play ah.

  Finally, Hu Jiajie father dress up as Santa Claus to send gift to us, a lot of good in a red Christmas socks, the socks on the rabbit and the moon, but beautiful, every sock on hang up a small card, we also take pictures with Santa Claus.
  Finally, the teacher gave us each a panda cake, an apple.
  Mother gave me to read the CARDS in the evening, said that the teacher praised me good, praise me, mama said, the teacher send cake, apple, is hope our sweet; go in peace.
  This years Christmas really happy ah!
  The distance by color crayon daub, deserve to go up swirl of snow, giving the innocence of the Christmas holiday. After school, the students are in the stalls buy ribbons, balloons, risking snow to adorn the classroom and through each section. Lose the dignity of the old school, instead of Christmas atmosphere, and the quiet of quiet, elegant fragrance in the season of t