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文档介绍:Service Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 1/37TIXEntitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleService Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 2/37TIXTermsKeyless Entry- Unlocking the vehicle without contact- Opening the vehicle without using a keyKeyless Start / Go- Starting the engine without using a keyKeyless Exit- Locking the vehicle without using a key7Service Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 3/ponentsControl unit for entitlement to access and for starting the vehicleFunctions– Recognition of key– Evaluation of the ignition starter switch– Radio remote control– Master for immobiliser– Master for ponents–Advancedkey - functions– Terminalcontrol–位置:驾驶员座椅下,B柱附近8Service Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 4/ponentsSwitch for entitlement to access and for starting the vehicleIgnition StarterSwitch Mechanical locking via – Key identification only via reader coil– Data transmission from reader coil to control unit– Button setting for ON/START/STOP– Button settings switch-coded and with dual redundancy–三个位置:插入钥匙、点火、启动;六个开关,每个位置两个,一个坏了另一个可备用;同时仪表上有显示OffEmergency unlockingStartOnZero6防盗系统线圈Service Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 5/37TIXFunction PlanSwitch for entitlement to access and for starting the vehicle with- Reader unit D1- Switch for ON / START / OFF- to prevent ignition key being withdrawn4Service Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 6/37TIXMeasured Value BlocksControl Element DiagnosisService Training EX3Z6Entitlement to Access and for Starting the VehicleI/VK-35Issue: 07/02Page 7/ponentsElectromechanical Steering Column Lock N360Functions–Locking and unlocking the steering– Participant in the immobiliser– Connected to control


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