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上传人:森森 2022/3/5 文件大小:31 KB






第 2 页 共

  My mother made a Christmas dinner for this Christmas, and I couldnt keep my mouth down. After dinner, Father Christmas was in front of me, and of course, my father. At this moment, I want to cry, the tears in my eyes, the love of my parents. I am happy to dance with Father Christmas, in my heart called to myself: not crying, today is big day! Should be joyful.
  At half past nine. I went to bed, thought for a while and fell asleep happily. I dreamt of Father Christmas and he gave me many presents. I sat in the fancy carriage and ran happily in the snow.
  Today is December 25, it is a foreign Christmas and our school has a merry Christmas. I was so excited by Christmas last night that even dreaming was about Christmas. Remember that it is Christmas day and must not be late. I imagine a big earthquake coming. Run for your life! I jumped up at once and dressed and washed. Soon I went downstairs. Mom and dad were there, too. We drove the car on the road.
  It wasnt easy until noon, when we had dinner, we waited anxiously for the activity to begin. Wow, there are only five minutes left, and w


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