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文档介绍:/Zi6support1ENGLISH?Power up1We mend Kodak Ni-MH rechargeable digital camera batteries, AALights are on while the charger is plugged in. (Charge for approximately 12 hours.)Need to recharge? Page 1 Friday, October 24, 2008 12:39 PM2/Zi6supportENGLISH?RecordWhen you turn on the camera, it’s ready to take in/outStart/stop recording? HD60: 16:9 @ 60 FPS (HDTV, slow motion playback)? HD: 16:9 @ 30 FPS (HDTV, smaller files for easier sharing)? VGA (Web ready)? Still (pictures)Choose a mode:Note: Your camera has internal memory. To take even more videos, insert an SD or SDHC card./ Page 2 Friday, October 24, 2008 12:39 PM/Zi6support3ENGLISH?PlaybackVolumeDelete the current or all videos/picturesEnter Review modePrevious/next videoPlay/Pause the current video(Press and hold to fast-forward or fast-rewind a video.)12During video playback, this button plays a video in slow video playback, this button stops a Page 3 Friday, October 24, 2008 12:39 PM4/Zi6supportENGLISH?Watch on TVTo set Video Out (NTSC/PAL), see page ’t have an HDTV? Use just the AV cable(red/white/yellow).If you have an HDTV, connect both cables. Then turn on the TV and TV input to match your Page 4 Friday, October 24, 2008 12:39 PM/Zi6support5ENGLISH?Upload to YouTube? in minutesConnect, then turn on the this is the first time you’ve connected to this Windows OS-based PC, follow the prompts to install ArcSoft MediaImpression Light. You can then transfer and share do even more, see the next ArcSoft product support: portTo upload and share videos on YouTube in minutes, install the on-camera Page 5 Friday, October 24, 2008 12:39 PM6/Zi6supportENGLISH?Transfer, edit, share onlineWhen the videos are transferred to puter, use the software to edit, share, and , then turn on the ArcSo


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