文档介绍:以行政区域划分,南部的普陀区分布种类最多,计 54 种,%;定海区次之,计52 种,%;岱山县计27 种,%;嵊泗县最少,计 21种,%。研究发现,因舟山群岛从南到北存在着降水量逐渐减少、蒸发量逐渐增加的干湿度梯度,生境严酷程度渐次递增的特点,舟山海岛野生果树资源也相对应表现出从南到北递减的趋势。、沙砾质海岸、淤泥质海岸、丘陵山坡、村前屋后(村口路边)等各个地域类型的野生果树分布种类,研究反映出野生观果树种生态类型的多样性。这种多样性对根据不同的用途和不同的立地条件选用适宜的资源提供了种质资源的可能。,舟山海岛野生果树生态系统已受到人类经济活动的影响,其分布范围缩减、面积下降、物种减少,在资源保护上必须引起重视。通过本项研究提出了舟山海岛野生果树资源保护和可持续利用的建议及对策:(1)切实保护好当地植被赖以生存的生态环境;(2)加强舟山海岛野生果树种质资源的收集和保存;(3)规范野生种源采集和苗木生产经营;(4)加强资源的繁殖、栽培与应用研究,做到因地制宜、重点突破、综合开发。关键词:舟山群岛,野生果树,资源 Investagation and Study on Wild Fruiter Resources in Zhoushan Sea Islands ABSTRACT Zhoushan island group lie southern to the Yangze river mouth and east sea area in hangzhouwan bay, 29°32′-31°04′N in latitude, 121°31′-123°25′E in Longitude. The island group posed of 1390 individual islands, which cover a area of square km. These islands are dorminated by those blow 250m in altitude. The peak is high, which is named Duizhi mount in Taohua Huangyangjian ranked second in height, with a latitute of . It lies in Zhoushan main islands include Zhoushan island, Liuheng island, Jintang island, Zhujiajian island, Qushan island, Taohua island and Sijiao island ect. Dinghai district and Putuo district lie in the southwest regoin of Zhoushan, which are near to the mainland. These districts paretively high in altitute, with large amount of huge islands densely of Daishan and Shengsi lie in the northeast part of Zhoushan, which are far from the mainland. These cities paretively low in altitute, with low islands whole regoin belongs to northern edege of middle subtropical moosoon climatic area, with profound sea annual mean teperature ranges from ℃ to ℃, with 4784℃ to ℃accumulitive temperature(above 10℃), 251 day to 303 day nonefrost period, 927mm to annual precipatation, to mean evaporation in the whole year round, to average drought and we