[checks so delicious that it can make the customer’s wife jealous. The “French toast” probably means a type of specialty provided by this holiday inn.
(2) C: 你去哪里?
E: How are you?
How’s everything going?
7. (1) He means he doesn’t speak French.
(2) Russian majors don’t speak French.
(3) Yes. It helps to indicate a negative answer.
8. (1) a. He uses “that” under the assumption that his mom knows which letter is being referred to.
b. He uses an imperative sentence to ask her mother to close the window, which is impolite.
(2) Johnny: Mom, Ping Ping is coming to visit us this afternnoon.
Mother: Who is Ping Ping?
(3) Wang: It’s not my fault, is it?
Li: Yes.
Native speaker: Hi, you look good.
Zhang: Not good, not good at all.
Exercises Task3.
1.  when we get someone to do something, we tend to minimize the effort to be involved, but when we complain we tend to exaggerate the complaint. People want to be polite by mitigating(缓解,减轻,平静)the imposition, which is face-threatening.
2. The first imperative is a general grammatical form, but the second, though still an imperative, can be used to sound more polite because of the addition of "will you"
3. (in the office)
Boss: Come to my office later.
Clerk: Yes, sir.
(during the afternoon tea)
Boss: How is your dad, Tom?
Clerk: He’s fine. Thanks, Pat.
4. He wants to suggest that he did not break the window because he was engaged with (? ) in something else in other places.
5. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, a middle school student always breaks the pragmatic conventions and in that way shows his rebellion.
6. While we teach English to Chinese students, we not only impart linguistic information (phonetics, phonology, morphology, a