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上传人:beny00001 2016/10/31 文件大小:161 KB





文档介绍:泰安高新区招商引资调查研究 IIAbstract The economic development zone is a special area in a country which aims to attract the producing element for developing the economy, and the country can fulfill particular policy in it. With the stable development China's economy, the economic development zone is more and more important in the economy. Most of the areas have e the fast part in economic development, the frontier and window of opening policy and the base for new strategy ofattracting investments for overseas is the main point of our economic development national economy and social development. With China's entry to WTO, people e more aware of the important role of social investment on economic the policy of attracting investments is also important in developing the area. It is a quick, rapid and the most convenient method of development on regional economy with small investment and also the rapid expansion of the total scale in regional economies. Currently, the special policy in the zone is gradually weakening petition is increasing fast, particularly the investment among many areas. Therefore, it is meaningful to find the systematic research on investment policy in the zones and find the inherent laws and to keep the leading role in the economic 'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone (short for Tai'an High-tech Zone) was formally established in 1994 and approved as a provincial development zone 1995 by the Shandong provincial government. High-tech Zone played an increasingly important role in the economic and social development since its establishment, especially since 2002 of the new district’s building the main economic indicators maintained a significant growth, it has e an important economic growth point in Tai'an City, the high ground high-tech industry and the main force in the process of urbanization. Because the new high-tech zone development and construction started late and scale of economies is still small, the industry need to be


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