文档介绍:We live in a world where criticizing people and focusing on negative attributes seems to be the social norm.
我们生活在一个这样的t and not having to constantly have companionship is a strength, not a weakness.
5. Turn into an optimist
It makes no sense remarking on the dark clouds while ignoring the rainbow. Seeking positive ideas and looking at the “bright side”can affect your mood for the better. Focusing on the good things in life can help you hold your head high, knowing that life is good, even when it seems bad.
6. Spend some time alone…but not too much
Everyone should have some time to themselves every day. Reading a book or enjoying the outdoors are great for the soul. But too much alone time can get the brain to sit stagnant. Sometimes people get sick of themselves and end up thinking of things that end up depressing them. Have a healthy dose of “you”time, but make sure you leave the room to seek out the people who matter most.
7. Do good deeds
There’s nothing like helping other people to give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. You know you’ve don