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文档介绍:The story about ConfuciusTeam ::张鑫晖赵丽琼Confucius’ lifeConfucius (551-479BC)was a great Chinese thinker ,historical figure, and believe that carrying out the policy of benevolence thought needs the rulers to have a virtue. He had traveled across China to publicity his political philosophy ,but just few people can accept it 。The way of teaching?Confucius’s way of teaching people was to travel across China and talk to them. He thought individuals should have good morals and always do right thing . He also felt that people should have strong ethics and behave in respectful manner .?He had saved many schools ,he had three thousand students ,many of them had been very essful such as Ran you. And his political ideas had been accepted.?Now many Confucius’s schools in the world. Confucianism is considered to have been a great influence on Eastern thought and can pared to influence of the Greek philosopher Socrates on the West.


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