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更多好书请点击 detected also significant nods of the head for lovers
and repellent attitudes for husbands. The exclamation of the card-players
at every unexpected /coup/, the jingle of gold, mingled with music and the
murmur of conversation; and to put the finishing touch to the vertigo of
that multitude, intoxicated by all the seductions the world can offer, a
perfume-laden atmosphere and general exaltation acted upon their over-
wrought imaginations. Thus, at my right was the depressing, silent image
of death; at my left the decorous bacchanalia of life; on the one side nature,
cold and gloomy, and in mourning garb; on the other side, man on
pleasure bent. And, standing on the borderland of those two incongruous
pictures, which repeated thousands of times in diverse ways, make Paris
the most entertaining and most philosophical city in the world, I played a
mental /macedoine/[*], half jesting, half funereal. With my left foot I kept
time to the music, and the other felt as if it were in a tomb. My leg was, in
fact, frozen by one of those draughts which congeal one half of the body
while the other suffers from the intense heat of the salons--a state of things
not unusual at balls.
[*] /Macedoine/, in the sense in which it is here used, is a game, or
rather a series of games, of cards, each player, when it is his turn to
deal, selecting the game to be played.
"Monsieur de Lanty has not owned this house very long, has he?"
"Oh, yes! It is nearly ten years since the Marechal de Carigliano sold it
to him."
"These people must have an enormous fortune."
"They surely must."
"What a magnificent party! It is almost insolent in its splendor."
"Do you imagine they are as rich as Monsieur de Nucingen or
Monsieur de Gondreville?"