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上传人:业精于勤 2022/3/8 文件大小:12 KB





云南省云天化中学-高一英语下学期周练试题六 一. 基本训练1-14词汇填空;
  15-20主谓一致练****2*15 1. I felt a great sense of ____er I got into my home, I e-mailed a friend in crisis some words of 30 . I received pictures from a friend’s ocean-side vacation, and 31 them on to another friend who 32 the ocean. Then, I took a good nap, made a tasty dinner, and 33 the scarf of a boy who is in hospital because today. I will sew the hat and gloves for him, then 34 on his mother’s set. And one more I have a woolen sweater that I made for myself, and have used maybe once a year 35 I made it four years ago. I’ve decided to send it as an___36 ,but I haven’t been able to 37 who to give it to. So it is now 38 in a bag in the car. On one of these trips out into the world, I just know I’ll 39 the person who’s meant to have it. What a 40 day Looking forward to seeing what the next day will bring handing out B throwing away C digging out D picking up 22A show B give C lend D leave chatted B agreed C quarreled D acted necessary B strange C nice D hard comforted B puzzled C encouraged D remembered competitions B conversations C exams D games neighbors B strangers C policemen D travelers recognize B catch C see D believe cleaned B shut C repaired D held disappointment B support C wisdom D warning passedB published C delivered D pushed heard B crossed C missed D explored stared B won C borrowed