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ers. Two scientific research achievements by the Air Force scientific and technological progress second and third prize. Focus on learning to a strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility, so that dry line, love line, drill line. Adhere to learning stopped working, pay attention to the absorption of new knowledge and new technology, adhere to business training, Shanghai has received the first batch of computer technology intermediate certificate, computer maintenance and repair more skilled at the same time with a variety of computer language and database programming capabilities for the Long March Hospital The preparation of the medical record query system and for the Yangpu Changbai Street armed forces prepared military service registration software have been put into business use. On the production of Web pages have deep research, has produced a number of units home page, do online forums and query system for the Second Military Medical University production of online classroom is also put into business use.

Life is optimistic and cheerful. With good personal accomplishment, loyalty, decent style, modest and prudent, unswerving mind, respect for leadership, unity and comrades. Both principle and flexibility, with the militarys unique spiritual outlook and good quality, good mass basis.
Although the beginning of military training, when feeling particularly suited to the training is tired and pain, soak in their sweat all day, doing everything to obey orders, not arbitrary, but I can always stick to it, even in the The most tired of the moment did not relax the requirements of their own, asked when the hand and shoulder pressure was sore, I s