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文档介绍:课 程 论 文
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学 院:
the research emphases and methods, and the main theories used in this paper.
The second chapter: the historical development of Chinese automobile industry, this chapter through to the industrial and economic orientation, culture at different angles of various details of the China automobile industry from scratch, from hard work to the tortuous process of rapid development.
The third chapter: the current situation of the development of Chinese automobile industry, describes the scale of China's automobile industry, summed up China's automobile industry has many enterprises, cluster development, the upstream and downstream industry chain length and the development of space and other features, and from the three aspects of politics, economy, culture, summed up China's automobile industry faces the environment.
The fourth chapter: the analysis of Chinese automobile industry market, this part mainly through the data analysis of the product structure of China's automobile industry, expounding the basic form of the market structure of China's automobile industry is oligopoly, there exist problems such as lack of concentration. The collected in recent years, car sales data, summarizes some characteristics and problems of China's auto market in recent years, including China auto market sales growth, the independent brand and Germany and the United States, France, Japan and South Korea five series sales and market share, car sales, and import and export the development of new energy vehicles.
The fifth chapter: the problems and Countermeasures of China automobile industry, this chapter mainly analysis the SWOT on China's automobile industry, summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of China's automobile development, and puts forward some problems faced by the development of China's automobile industry, a