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明星凭什么挣钱多 3000字.doc

上传人:刘禅 2022/3/12 文件大小:12 KB


明星凭什么挣钱多 3000字.doc



Sports and entertainment personalities have higher value than professional workers like doctors ,n明星凭什么挣钱多_3000字
Sports and entertainment personalities have higher value than professional workers like doctors ,nurse and teacher in some society, why this happened in some society and do you think it is good or bad development.
Why athletes and movie stars make more money more quickly than professionals such as doctors, nurses and school teachers? Though this seems no fair to many people, there are good reasons for such phenomenon.
There is no profession in other businesses than being a star in the entertainment biz that spends millions of dollars to promote a singer or movie act123 By laws of market, the higher demand for certain goods or services, the higher value such goods or services would have. Movie stars or famous athletes entertain a nation or even the whole world. The box office of an internationally popular movie star hit millions weeks after a movie release. Advertisement income of major sports event such as the world soccer cup reaches billions during the game season. Stars satisfy the needs of very large populations with greater efficiency than medical professionals or teachers, who usually work for one hospital or school. As a result, stars are able to create greater value for their employers and deserve higher income.


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