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文档介绍:昆明營紇營裉 2016, 38(4) :82 ~ 87 ISSN 1674 - 5639 CN 53 - 1211/G4Journal of Kunming University 【环境史】《岭外代答》的环境史史料价值与特点王彤(云南大学人文学院西南环境史研究所,云南昆明650091)摘要:《岭外代答》是周去非仕于广西所获得的最有价值的成果,也是他唯一的***著作,其包含了丰富而珍贵的宋代广西地区的生态环境史史料。它不仅记载了宋代广西地区的气候、自然山水、动植物、疾病等环境状况,揭示了当时广西地区的整体环境面貌,而且还反映出了其独有的史料价值和文献特点。关键词:周去非;岭外代答;广西地区;生态环境;环境史史料中图分类号:K2 9 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674 -5639(2016)04 -0082 -06D O I:. cnki. kmxyxb. 2016. 04. 015The Values and Features of the Environmental Historical Materialsin Geography about GuangxiWANG Tong( Institute of Southwest Environmental History, Humanities College, Yunnan University, Kunming,Yunnan, China 650091)Abstract:As the single masterpiece handed down from ancient times, Geography about Guangxi and Guangdong Provinces is the most valuable achievement by Zhou Qufei when he in Guangxi Region. Involving rich and abundant environmental historical materials in Guangxi region in Song dynasty, the book, full of the special historical values and documentary features, shows the contemporary com-plete environment with the records of the atmosphere, nature, living things and words :Zhou Qufei ; Geography about Guangxi ; Guangxi region ; ecological environment ; environmental historical materials中国古代笔记的数量众多、题材广泛,其内容丰富真实、可信度较高,可补正史等其他史书之不足。但唐宋以来就专门记载岭南社会环境的笔记著作而言却不多