文档介绍:-III- Classified Index: : Dissertation for the Master’s Degree in EngineeringTHE OPTIMIZED SCHEME FOR HOT WORK OF PANY IN HARBINCandidate: Supervisor: Academic Degree Applied for: Speciality: Date of Oral Examination: University: Liu Bofeng Prof. Wang Xuedong Master of Engineering Electronics and Information EngineeringJanuary,2009 Harbin Institute of technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文-I- 摘摘摘摘要要要要目前,中国移动通信网络发展的重点已经由大规模工程建设阶段进入了网络的优化和调整阶段,网络优化工作是指对正式投入运行的网络执行调查→分析→调整这一优化流程,目的是提升网络接通能力,提高移动网络质量,为用户提供优质的通话保障,进而保持扩大中国移动通信公司的品牌效应,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中保持优势地位,争得更大的市场份额。本课题结合工作实践,从网络优化的概念、流程、GSM网络进行系统调查的内容入手,重点研究了对网络运行数据的分析方法,通过这些数据的分析了解网络的实际覆盖效果及基站的运行性能,继而有针对性的对网络的缺陷进行优化工作。在本课题中,根据哈尔滨市网络优化的实际情况,针对目前网络优化工作中的重点和难点,总结出了增加网络容量和覆盖的有效方法,其中包括MRP频率多重复用技术、微蜂窝技术、双频网技术、直放站技术等;针对网络中普遍存在的干扰问题,总结了部分有效的解决办法,对重点无线参数进行编译。在论文的最后部分,列举了近两年工作中遇到的典型案例以及解决办法,对网络优化研究工作具有非常重要的意义。关键词网络优化;系统调查;参数优化;话务统计哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文-II- Abstract At present, the focal point of China mobile's network development has already been entered into network optimization and adjusting stage from extensive engineering construction stage. The network optimization means that investigating, analyzing and adjusting the network being in operation. This optimization flow with the purpose of promoting the network switching ability and improving the quality of mobile network serving offers high converse quality for customers, and then keeps expanding the effect of China munication Corporation (). will keep the advantage position and share greater market profit in the fiercer petition now. This subject is emphasizing on analytical methods of the network running data based on the network optimization concept, basic flow, the content of systematical investigating GSM network by combined my job practice. By analyzing these data, the result of the network covering actually and the performance of the base station running at