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Construction Scheme of Floor tile and Granite tile Installation
—、准备工作 Preparations
弹水平线,确定室内地砖完成面士 be appropriated. The n tile the pla nk to dry, rigid ceme nt morta (Advisable degree of dry is can be kn eaded together, and scattered when dropped on land ). Use a rubber mallet hard strike the board to make the pav ing dry rigid ceme nt mortar layer comb in atio n is close-grained, and make the surface 2-5 mm below the ground elevation con trol sheet.
、试铺合适后,将板材揭起,在密实的干硬性水泥砂浆结合 层上撒布一层干水泥面并用喷壶淋水一遍,或浇一层水泥浆作粘 结,然后将板材再原位置再次安放。
After appropriate trial paving,lift up the a layer of dry
cement to the dry, rigid close-grained cement mortar,and wet it once by the watering can, or water a layer of cement paste for mud bonding, the n put the plate back at the positi on.
再次安放时,板材四角要同时下落,放稳后用橡皮锤敲击板面使 其平整并与结合层能紧密年粘接牢固,板材表面与地面标高控制 线吻合便完成一块板材铺贴,再依次铺贴下一块。
When placed aga in, four corn ers of the pla nk should be dropped at the same time. After layed down steadily ,use a rubber hammer to strike it to make it flat and bonded firmlywith the combined course .The plank pav ing is done whe n the pla nk surface is coin cided with the elevatio n of the gro und con trol, the n pave the next one .
When pav ing ,be sure that it is flat and straight. Make sure the four corners flat, and vertical and horizontal crack aligned.
三、质量要求 Quality


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