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高中英语必修五UnitA PPT课件.ppt

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高中英语必修五UnitA PPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:Unit FiveUnit FiveFirst aidFirst aidaidtemporaryinjury bleed ankle chokecupboard n. & ; ; ; 伤害vi. & (关节)vi. & vt. (使) 噎住; (使) ; 衣柜Words previewWhat words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?AccidentFirst aiddrownbleedchokeburncuta bloody nosea snake bitea sprained anklea broken armBrainstormingCheck to see if he or Check to see if he or she is breathingshe is breathingTry to start his or her Try to start his or her breathing to to swim swim ’’t swim in dangerous swim in dangerous for a doctor or an for a doctor or an pull her out of the car. Never pull her out of the car. Find enough people to lift the car Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at and take her to hospital at at both sides when crossing the at both sides when crossing the run in run in the traffic rules and be attentive and the traffic rules and be attentive and use your cell phone while walking, riding or use your cell phone while walking, riding or 119 in no time and tell them the exact 119 in no time and tell them the exact someone is badly burnt, call 120 to ask for an someone is badly burnt, call 120 to ask for an play with play with careful with careful with sure that all the electric wires are sure that all the electric wires are to stop the to stop the a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it up the part of bleeding body if up the part of bleeding body if ought to be careful enough w


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