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LLC谐振变换器的变压器绕组优化设计 王议锋.pdf

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LLC谐振变换器的变压器绕组优化设计 王议锋.pdf

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LLC谐振变换器的变压器绕组优化设计 王议锋.pdf


文档介绍:2022 年 3 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 No. 5
第 37 卷第 5 期 TRAditions is summarized. Two optimal design implementations of winding shape are proposed to improve
the parasitic capacitance of transformer by reducing the opposite area of winding. The 3D simulation model
of the transformer is built with the FEA simulation software Maxwell. According to the simulation results,
the improvement of parasitic capacitance with the two proposed optimal implementations is compared, and
the reliability of theoretical analysis is verified. To compromise the parasitic capacitance and solid loss
of the transformer, the optimal design range of winding area is given. At the same time, the final
implementation is determined. Finally, a 500kHz 500W LLC prototype is demonstrated with the
improved magnetically integrated planar transformer, and the peak efficiency of % is achieved.
Keywords:Resonant converter, parasitic capacitance, planer transformer, magnetic integration,
optimal design

收稿日期 2020-02-28 改稿日期 2021-07-12第 37 卷第 5 期 王议锋等 LLC 谐振变换器的变压器绕组优化设计 1253
0 引言 的绕组优化方案。