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文档介绍:《最强大脑》是江苏卫视借鉴德国节目《Super Brain》而推出的国内首档大型科学类真人秀电视节目,该节目为季播节目,播出周期为2014年1月至3月。节目中,国内相关领域科学家会从科学角度探秘天才的世界。最终,筛选出12位选手组成中国最强0 years for the family and never complains. My mother was born and raised in Heilongjiang province, the so-called” A typical northeast women”, which is popular for its hotness and generosity, so are the northeast cuisine, there are not a great diversity of ingredients included in one dish, about two or three ones, they are also not as beautiful as the south dishes, however their tastes are strong and clear, as for all the dishes my mother cooks, including Stewed Chick with Mushroom,地三鲜 a mixture of fried potato, green pepper and eggplant and mashed potato combined with special sauce, I like the mashed potato best, coz it is simple and cooked with the special sauce which is my favorite and they do taste so good, and can even compared with the real chef in the restaurant. Actually, my mother dislikes mutton and seafood, as a result, I basically never eat any dishes cooked by them, how I wish to have a chance to try once.
The subject that I disliked before but like now, if you don’tt mind, I wanna say English.
As you know, almost all Chinese students started to learn English since primary school, it was quite easy at first, coz you just need to remember some letters which basically have the same writing and similar pronunciations with Chinese PINyin.
However, as time goes on, I find it more and more difficult to learn, for you have to remember a lot of so-called complicated words and tough grammar for me as a child. You had to practice your speaking and listening abilities, what was worse, I must have to take the examination that was more difficult to deal with. Since then, I was not interested in it any more until my graduation from high school.
But, I was given confidence to study English again when I got the offer from the university and started a new trip without any force-feeding approach of teaching. Another reason is tha


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